Lay out of all the objects that went into Max's box this time!
1 Men's Health magazine
1 pair boxing gloves & wraps
1 pair H&M shorts
Popeye Challenge Coin
Open When Letter Stack
Wet Wipes
6 packs of apple cinnamon nuts
Fudge Stripes Cookies
Pepper Jack Cheezits
24 Nature Valley bars
Cajun Beef Jerkey
Scorpion Sucker
Assorted Candies
I recently traveled to Phoenix, AZ to visit some family, and while there got him some super spicy beef jerky and this scorpion sucker! The stinger has been removed.. but I still hope he doesn't actually eat it, that would be gross.
The Open When letters!! I have seen these all over Pinterest before and have been dying to try them! I finally got a chance to for this care package, I included 22 cards for various times that he might need them. Of course I put the very first ''open now'' card on top so he can understand how this thing works!
All the cards! I used a combination of pictures of us, family, things we have done/been to, and a few off the internet to help give visuals to associate for whatever I wrote on the front of the envelope!
Here are a few of them close up!
Once deployment is over I'll be just graduating and move to Pearl Harbor to be with him, incase you were wondering about the Aloha Christmas! Next year it's an 80 degree holiday for us! :D Plus, as far as the other card, what is more inspirational than the Northern Lights?! (That may be just us though haha)
This was a card to open for when he was bored, so I have a list of things as far as some pre-wedding planning for him to do. Yes, we had a super awesome and lovely elopement- but in the next year or so we are going to have our "party wedding" as we're calling it with all of our friends and family, so I'm getting our planning started hah.
List of all the cards I made, I know it's a little hard for the gold writing to transfer in picture, so here is a list of all the cards:
Open When...
You miss me
You feel alone
You're angry
You're bored
You need an extra push
You miss comics
You've had a shitty day
You miss me again
You need to feel appreciated
You need to know how much I love you
You need motivation
You're sick
_____ is being a douche (name omitted)
You need a study push
You've had a good day
It's Thanksgiving
You need amusement
You need a good laugh
It's Christmas
There were a few more too, but I'm not adding those to the list because I'm sure you can guess why!
Lilly decided I was ignoring her too long I guess..
All the goodies packed into the box!!
Here is everything packed all nicely into the box! I know before I've shown pictures where I have it look all cute.. haha but this is once I have removed all the items from their packaging and pack as many things as possible in! This is how it looks right before I tape it shut and sent it off to my man!
Oh, I suppose I should also explain the "ONE YEAR DOWN" part! This week was Max's one year of being in the U.S. Navy! Yay!! So much has happened in the last year it really does just blow my mind, I look so forward to everything else we have coming up in the next few years! Our adventures are going to be amazing, I can guarantee you that!
Getting SO excited to make the next one already!