Sunday, November 17, 2013

Owl & National Park Themed Care Package

This one was extra special because the theme was National Parks & owls! Max proposed to me on our backpacking trip to Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park, and one of our favorite places is the Red Woods up north. So, naturally I included all of those parts! We love to go camping and hiking, so when I went on a camping trip with his family last weekend and he wasn't there it was a little rough. Instead, I picked him up some of our favorite things for camping, and a bunch of extra chocolate for this package! 

Bear Claw caramel corn
24 Open When letters
Huckleberry White Chocolate Bark
Insomaniac jacket from Escape from Wonderland
Krave Chipotle Jerky
Sweet Potato Chips
Men's Health
New Orleans Chili Chocolate
BBQ Potato Chip Chocolate
Nature Valley Oats & Dark Chocolate

I've done a round of open when letters for Max before, but he asked for more!!  Here is the majority of the cards that I included for him. =)

All of it almost packed!

Yay! I'm so excited for him to get this package!! I just know that he will love it!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Pokemon Care Package

6 different comics from Free Comic Book Day
1 Ash Ketchum hat
1 bag milk chocolate honey combs
1 bag dried pineapple rings
1 Pokemon X game
1 game guide
1 bag Bate's Nut Farm kettle corn
1 rock (special meaning)
1 Pumpkin Reeses
1 bundle cinnamon sticks
1 bottle Huckleberry honey
1 card

The month of October had one Free Comic Book Day, so I sent him the six that I had picked up. All the other comic titles we normally follow I upload for him digitally and keep safe here at home! ;D

If you haven't figured out already, the theme of this box was inspired by the new Pokemon X & Y release! I'm not sure if he's going to really want the game guide, but I got it anyway because I remember what an awesome difference it made last time when we played Diamond and Pearl. So we'll have to see if he likes it! :D

I know he misses home alot, so I picked up some of his favorite treats from the mountains! Last time I visited him in Hawaii we tried a chocolate covered honeycomb, so that's a new favorite! The huckleberry honey is his favorite from our camping trips, and kettle corn is always delicious! I tucked in the cinnamon sticks to help his rack smell better and give him a little holiday taste from home. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Healthy Halloween Package!

I'll admit this one was a bit challenging, because with Halloween so close Max was asking for healthy food items. Too much chocolate, cookies, and candy in the last one I guess? ;D

Emerald Smores Nut blend
Cinnamon Apple Sauce
Men's Health
Dried Mangos
Dried Apple Slices
Mandrin Oranges (with the pull tab)
Cracked Pepper & Olive Oil Triscuts
Ghram Crackers
Beef Jerkey
V8 Fusion Jice
Nutrition Nuts
1 letter

This is his favorite, I take mini post it notes and write him little notes/tips in the Men's Health magazine. It's actually pretty fun for me, I learn a lot, and it's interactive for both of us! ;D
(I just blurred out one of my tips, because of reasons.)

This was cool, I think it's sort of new but it's high antioxidant mix with dried fruit and nut blend.

This shipped awesome actually! I know he gets bored of all the same food/drinks so I double zip locked this and it shipped just fine. =)


This is new too, sweet and healthy mix ; )

Set of letters I included inside to keep him a little preoccupied for so many days straight out to sea.